Housing & Community Care
Geeta provides advice and representation across all aspects of housing and homelessness law, and is committed to representing legally aided clients.
Much of Geeta’s housing work concerns discrimination and complex claims under the Equality Act 2010. She has particular expertise representing people with disabilities and takes pride in her clear and sensitive approach to such cases.
Geeta is also a freelance trainer for Shelter, Britain’s leading housing and homelessness charity
Civil Actions against Public Authorities
Geeta is adept at identifying and pursuing novel legal arguments to secure redress for those who have suffered abuse from state bodies and private entities.
She has extensive experience representing claimants for false imprisonment, assault, misfeasance in public office and claims under the Human Rights Act 1998, the Equality Act 2010, data protection legislation and privacy law.
Geeta has a particular interest in representing women. She has been involved in extensive litigation challenging the treatment of female prisoners, and has represented claimants regarding the police’s failure to investigate child sexual abuse.
Public Law
Geeta receives instructions across public law, specialising in housing, human rights and discrimination law.
Geeta represented the claimant in R (on the application of Peiris) v First Tier Tribunal and others [2023] EWCA Civ 1527, [2024] All ER (D) 18, a significant judicial review claim challenging the eligibility criteria of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012 under Article 14 ECHR read together with Article 1 of Protocol 1.
Modern Slavery and Trafficking
Geeta’s international experience encompasses litigation, consultancy work, training and research with a focus on business and human rights. She has in-depth knowledge of how to use international and regional mechanisms to protect and promote human rights, and can advise clients on legal matters that touch on international and foreign law.
She is currently engaged in a collaborative project to improve labour conditions in the sandstone mining industry in Rajasthan, India. This has required designing and overseeing fact-finding missions in Rajasthan, researching and drafting reports and engaging with various stakeholders to develop innovative strategies to increase transparency and access to remedies across the supply chain.