The AGM of the Association of Sri Lankan Lawyers in the UK
10 Jul 2017
The Association of Sri Lankan Lawyers in the UK (ASLLUK) held its 14th Annual General Meeting at ‘Garden Court Chambers’, 57-60 Lincoln’s Inn Fields. London, WC2A 3LJ on 10th June 2017.
Following registration and coffee Mr. Harendra De Silva QC, the President of ASLLUK welcomed the members and guests. In the morning, a CPD session of 2 hours for solicitors and barristers was held. Ms. Onyoja Momoh, Barrister at 5 Pump Court who specialises in family law and developing a practice in international abduction cases delivered a talk on ‘Children in Breakdown in family relationship’ while Ms. Parosha Chandran, award winning Barrister at 1 Pump Court and world leading expert on the law relating to human trafficking and modern slavery spoke on the topic ‘When smuggling becomes human trafficking: The risks for the vulnerable in migratory, displaced populations’. This was followed by a talk by Mr. Jerry Garvey, Equality & Diversity Executive at the Law Society of England and Wales on ‘How The Law Society can support ASLLUK and BME Members’.
The session was graced by her Excellency Ms. Amali Wijewardena, the High Commissioner for Sri Lanka. Mr. Prins Gunasekara, (a veteran human rights barrister and former Sri Lankan politician) and Mr. Sarath Wijesinghe (a Solicitor, former Sri Lankan Ambassador to UAE & Israel and the initiator of the Sri Lankan Lawyers Association) were also among many other guests at the event.
A delicious Sri Lankan hot buffet lunch was served by Golden Platter in the special marquee erected outside the chambers.
The AGM commenced at 2.30 pm. and Mr. Lee Karu QC welcomed the members of the association. Previous minutes were adopted and thereafter a presentation was made by Executive Committee Member, Mr. Sam Methuen on ‘Donation of CRRT kidney machine to Anuradhapura General Hospital in Sri Lanka in 2016’.
Mr. Wasantha Tennakoon presented the General Secretary’s Annual Report and the Treasurer’s Report was followed by the Treasurer, Mr. Selvanayagam Sathananthan.
Mr Sarath Wijesinghe was invited by the chair to give a special talk and Mr. Wijesinghe went on explaining to the young and new members in the audience how this association was initiated and developed in to what its today. After the speech he was awarded a life membership of ASLLUK as proposed by Mr Ariya Sriharan.
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