Inadmissibility Webinar
12th January 2023
The new Sections 80B and 80C of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 came into force in June 2022, governing the Secretary of State’s power to treat asylum claims as inadmissible on ‘safe third country’ grounds. David and Ben will cover the law, policy and practice relating to those powers and to the old paragraphs 345A-D of the Immigration Rules, and will focus on the practicalities of advising on and challenging inadmissibility decisions.
David and Ben will deliver and update the webinar previously presented as part of the One Pump Court immigration seminar series on 14th December 2022, aimed at practitioners who could not attend that session. David and Ben will also discuss the Divisional Court’s judgment in R (AAA) v SSHD [2022] EWHC 3230 (Admin), handed down shortly after the seminar in December, and in which both David and Ben were instructed by UNHCR.
Date: 12th January 2023
Time: 15:00