A v E
The Applicant Father sought a shared care order in respect of the subject children and raised 18 allegations of parental alienation by the Mother. Andréa made persuasive submissions to the effect that context is important: the Mother had always done her best to raise and protect the children, reminding the Court that the test was not whether M was a perfect parent, but whether she was a ‘good enough’ parent – which is to be considered on a case-by-case basis. Furthermore, Andréa invited the Court to note that the Mother had engaged with the professionals, implemented their advice and promoted contact between the children and the Father, arguing that it was in their best interests to live with the Mother and spend time with the Father in a stepped-up, gradual way.
The Court found 17 of the 18 allegations of parental alienation proved on the balance of probabilities, however, it was found that the alienating behaviour had reduced over time and that the Mother was engaging with professionals and facilitating contact between the Father and the children. The Court made a final order in the Mother’s favour (lives with Mother, spend time with the Father).
Andréa was instructed by Alexander Rose Solicitors. She was thanked by her client for “perfectly describing her life to the Court and being a voice for her children.”
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