Eleri Griffiths & Martin Hodgson secure mandatory order to house family with disabled child.

1 Jun 2023

Eleri Griffiths & Martin Hodgson recently acted for the single parent of a disabled child in a judicial review against the local authority’s failure to secure suitable accommodation pursuant to its duties under Part VII of the Housing Act 1996.

The client’s family were exceptionally vulnerable and had lived in unsuitable accommodation for nearly a year. The household included an exceptionally disabled child who is non-verbal, wheelchair bound has a number of developmental and physical disabilities. The case was expedited. The authority accepted it was in breach of its duty but resisted the making of a mandatory order. At a contested hearing, the Court made a mandatory order, requiring the authority to secure suitable accommodation within 2 months.

Case details are here 

Eleri and Martin were instructed by Radhika Shah, Solicitor, of Harrow Law Centre

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