
The 2024 mini-pupillage advertisement is now closed. We intend to advertise for mini-pupillages taking place in 2025 on our website in due course.

An update on mini-pupillages to take place in 2025 will likely be announced on our website and social media pages around November 2024.

We aim through this new scheme to increase the number of state-school-educated and other socio-economically excluded prospective pupils who undertake mini-pupillages and go on to consider applying to Chambers for full pupillages.

We encourage anyone who is interested in completing a mini-pupillage with us and meets the following criteria to apply. Applications are particularly encouraged from those traditionally underrepresented at the Bar, including women or those from racially minoritised communities.  The deadline for 2025 applications will be announced in due course.

 How to apply:

  • Send an email to with the subject as “Mini-Pupillage Application”.
  • Attach a letter to Chambers containing at most 250 words, explaining why you would like to undertake a mini-pupillage at One Pump Court Chambers, with reference to our Chambers’ ethos statement at
  • Complete our equality monitoring form if you are happy to do so. (Please note, this is optional and will have no impact on the outcome of your application.) Download here
  • Complete the attached declaration, truthfully confirming that:
    • You are at least 18 years old; and
    • You did not attended any fee-paying school[s] between the ages of 5 and 18;


  • Between the ages of 5 and 18 you:

(1) only attended a non-selective state school; or alternatively
(2) attended a selective state school at some point between those ages and additionally one or more of the following:

  • You received means-tested free school meals;
  • You are a care leaver;
  • You were a carer when under the age of 18;
  • Neither of your parents attended a higher education institution;
  • You currently have or previously had immigration status as a refugee or beneficiary of international protection or as dependent of a refugee or beneficiary of international protection.
  • You may also additionally declare whether you are a care leaver, which will be taken into account when awarding places for 1PC Mini-pupillage programme.

What happens on a mini-pupillage

  • Chambers’ mini-pupillage programme provides mini pupils with an insight into life at the Bar. Mini pupils will travel to court with counsel, observe hearings and trials, sit in on conferences and negotiations, and (if appropriate) read and analyse case papers. Mini-pupils may also be asked to undertake legal research relevant to cases that they are observing at the discretion of the supervising barrister.
  • Each mini pupillage lasts for a week from Monday to Friday. However, successful applicants can request for a shorter duration up to a minimum of 2 days. Such a request should be made to the Pupillage Officer as soon as is reasonably possible.
  • Each day of the mini-pupillage will start at 9am and finish at 6pm unless the mini-pupil is informed otherwise. The Chambers Administrator / Senior Clerk will liaise with the clerking team every evening to identify appropriate hearings, conferences, or members for mini pupils to shadow within Chambers and will so far as is possible accommodate any preferences in particular as to areas of law put forward by the mini-pupil to the Pupillage Officer.
  • Mini pupillages are unassessed. Their purpose is to obtain a greater understanding of what a career at the Bar entails. The offer or rejection of an application for mini-pupillage is not relevant to any subsequent application for pupillage.


  • Chambers will pay mini-pupils’ reasonable travel and lunch expenses. Any such request should be made to the Chambers Administrator who will facilitate payment of those expenses.
  • Chambers may also in its discretion exceptionally assist mini-pupils with expenses for professional clothing to be worn during the mini-pupillage. Any request for assistance with professional clothing shall be made and considered by the Pupillage Officer and must be made at the latest 21 days before the start of the mini-pupillage.

Mini-Pupillages Applicant’s Declaration