ROBA (OLF – MB confirmed) Ethiopia CG [2022] UKUT 1 (IAC)

ROBA v SSHD was an important country Guidance case on Ethiopia before the Upper tribunal in which a panel stated that the risk categories in MB (OLF and MTA – risk) Ethiopia CG[2007] UKAIT 30 should continue to apply because there was not a “durable change in circumstances” in Ethiopia before the Upper tribunal it was confirmed

that the risk categories in MB (OLF and MTA – risk) Ethiopia CG[2007] UKAIT 30 should continue to apply because there was not a “durable change in circumstances” in Ethiopia. Roba also confirms that those who have a significant history, known to the authorities, of OLF membership or support, or are perceived by the authorities to have such significant history will in general be at real risk of persecution by the authorities. The Tribunal also held that ‘Significant’ should not be read as denoting a very high level of involvement or support. Rather, it relates to suspicion being established that a person is perceived by the authorities as possessing an anti-government agenda.

Alex was instructed by Kam Dhanjal of JD Spicer Zeb Solicitors

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